Čeština (Česká republika)English (United Kingdom)


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Product name: Apsamix colistina 40 mg/g
Active substance: Colistinum
Target tribe: selata, prasata ve výkrmu
Drug form: Premix pro medikaci krmiva
Registration date: 26. 10. 2006
Registration number: 98/029/06-C
Verdict holder: Andrés Pintaluba, S.A.
Polígono Industrial Agro-Reus C/Prudenci Bertrana n 5
REUS (Tarragona) 43206
Phone: + 34 977 317 111, Fax: + 34 977 323 188
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
ATC vet. code: QA07AA - Colistin
Pharmacotherapeutic group: Antibiotics
Narcotics: NO
Indication restriction: NO
Withdrawal period: prasata ve výkrmu
maso: 0 d.
maso: 0 d.
Procedure type: MRP

Table of active package codes

Package codeSizePackage typeMaterialIdentification codeEU numberIssue
99373421 x 25 kgvakpapír--Na předpis
99058491 x 25 kgvakpapírzrušeno-Na předpis