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Product name: LECTADE PLUS
Active substance: Natrii chloridum, Glycinum, Kalii dihydrogenophosphas, Natrii hydrogenocitras sesquihydricus, Kalii citras, Natrii citras, Glucosum monohydricum
Target tribe: telata
Drug form: Prášek pro perorální roztok
Registration date: 13. 4. 1994
Registration number: 96/521/94-C
Verdict holder: Elanco GmbH
Heinz-Lohmann-Str. 4
Cuxhaven 27472
Phone: +49 4721 747 601, Fax:
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
ATC vet. code: QA07CQ - Oral electrolytes
Pharmacotherapeutic group: Oral rehydration formulations for veterinary use
Narcotics: NO
Indication restriction: NO
Withdrawal period: telata
maso: 0 d.
Procedure type: National

Table of active package codes

Package codeSizePackage typeMaterialIdentification codeEU numberIssue
990761912 x 1 sáčeksáčekplast--Volně prodejný
990762048 x 1 sáčeksáčekplast--Volně prodejný